Dr Nigel Blagg

This widely acclaimed book is essential reading for parents and teachers of school phobics and all professionals who encounter this problem as part of their work.

". . . provides a clear and thorough review of the subject followed by a convincing account of what the author calls a rapid treatment approach. . . an instructive and encouraging book in which the author's practical experience is evident throughout. It will be helpful to people in all the professions involved in school children's problems, and deserves to be widely read. . "
Journal of Adolescence

". . . a book which every educational psychologist who is working with children should have. It has a variable and useful information and is immensely readable. . "

". . . I recommend it unreservedly to all those professionals who encounter this problem as part of their work and to those parents who are experiencing the problem first hand. For these parents the book will provide greater understanding of their child's difficulty, an awareness of the essential part they must play if it is to be overcome, and a valuable ally to thrust into the hands of any professional they encounter who espouses platitudes rather than direct plans for action".
Special Children

"The problem of school refusal is a substantial one for educational psychologists. . . so the reviewer felt great interest in this volume, which is a condensation of a large amount of work by Blagg over a decade or more. . . The book presents a clear practice guide for the implementation of the treatment methods which Blagg puts forward, a practice guide which would enable most educational psychologists to put the methods into practice. . . "
Educational Psychology in Practice

". . . This is a clearly-written, well structured book, providing a comprehensive up-to-date review of school phobia and its management. It is highly recommended for professionals working in this area and is worth the paperback price".
The British Journal of Psychiatry

". . . The volume is comprehensive in scope and, at the same time, provocative in substance. . . I found the book to be nicely written, informed, and sensitive to the many nuances of working with children who 'go unwillingly to school'. . . presents a treatment programme that, if followed carefully and closely, will benefit many such youngsters. . . I recommend his book highly to behavioural and non-behavioural professionals alike. It has much to offer us. . and the children and families we serve".
Behaviour Change

"This publication presents the most contemporary and comprehensive coverage of research into school phobia since the condition was first distinguished from truancy by Baldwin in 1932 . . "
Pastoral Care

". . . teachers involved in pastoral work, educational psychologists, education welfare officers, and other interested professionals will find that this book contains some very useful ideas and suggestions . . the school phobia record form included in the appendix will be cribbed, adapted and modified for almost immediate use by those frequently working in this area, and I hope that the fascinating case studies will be used to initiate discussions at joint professionals' meetings. . ."
The Teacher

". . This book will be useful for parents and all professionals who come into contact with children having difficulty attending school. It is particularly recommended for combining a thorough review of the literature and research studies with practical guidelines as a successful method for dealing with school phobia".
School Psychology International


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