Cognitive Acceleration through Technology Education (CATE)

Authors: Tony Hamaker and John Backwell

CATE is designed to enhance and develop thinking and reasoning processes at Key Stage 3 within Design and Technology education. It is based on ideas adapted from the Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) project and the Somerset Thinking Skills Course (STSC). CATE provides a Teachers Handbook and three modules (with photocopiable activities for the pupils) for use with years 7, 8 and 9.

Research shows that CATE:

· enhances the D&T capability of students across the ability range
· enhances the thinking and reasoning abilities of students in D&T, maths and science
· enhances teacher professional development at all levels of D&T delivery, through the use of the CATE methodology

"Two years after the introduction of CATE the Design and Technology department is now one of the most powerful departments in the school, in terms of teaching and learning."
Head Teacher comment

About the Authors:
Tony Hamaker, an independent advisory teacher, has been associated with the 'Thinking skills movement' since 1984. He is a CASE trainer and experienced STSC trainer.

John Backwell, an independent advisory teacher and ICT consultant, has been associated with the 'Thinking Skills movement' since 1992. He is an accredited NOF ICT trainer.


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